Pacific Rim: Utter Man-Child Boner Flick…and I Love it!

pacificrimjaegersI am not one for man-child giant monster and robot movies, however, Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim (2013) really gets my biscuits in a twist. I was already a fan of Guillermo’s even before this flick hit theaters, but oh my. Although I did not hesitate to see this movie in theaters I had my reservations because, well, like I just said it was not the type of movie I would normally go for. I liked the movie so much that I wanted to go back into the theater and watch it again! Let me tell you about this movie…

Kaijus, a big creepy monster that takes different forms (some look like lizards, others look like sharks, and even gorillas!) have surfaced out of an alternate dimension that formed in a fissure at the bottom of the Pacific ocean. They were created to bring about an apocalypse and wipe out the human race. Jaegers, big huge battle bots (or gigantic humanoid mecha) are created to kill the Kaijus with the ultimate intent of destroying the breach at the bottom of the ocean. So far they have failed at closing the breach. As Charlie Hunnam’s (Sons of Anarchy) character Raleigh says, “The Jaeger is only as good as it’s pilot.” Through mind drifting or joining the neural bridge the pilots become one with each other and the bot. During battle when Raleigh loses his brother, he sees and feels the pain that his brother suffered.

Fast forward five years later and the Kaijus are getting worse. They are becoming bigger and smarter. The time is up and everyone has to act fast. Raleigh is brought out of retirement to operate Gipsy Danger, he and his brother’s Jaeger with a new rookie pilot. Then this is where all the fun begins!

There is more to the story, but I hope you get the gist because really you just need to have the volume cranked on surround sound, the blu-ray copy and you are set! Although the score music is pretty damned epic I would have loved to hear some hard guitar riffs and metal music to really get the juices flowing. That’s not delivered, but you can make up your own soundtrack. The special effects are awesome and the scenery is beautiful.

This movie makes me geek out so hardcore and I can’t even explain why. It is a movie that was created to introduce this genre to children, but it has something for everyone. Action, suspense, a little bit of horror, sci-fi, and even…romance? OK OK you get to see Charlie Hunnam without his shirt. They had to put something in there for the ladies. Whatever your poison might be don’t bounce this movie off the rim! HA! Yeah I’m not funny….

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