Go On and Give the Deadgirl a Kiss!

deadgirlpicDeadgirl (2008) has somewhat brought me back to the horror genre, although I guess this movie would test your limits as to what you think horror really is. Gore? Scare factor? Psychological? This film offers up very little gore and scares, but it is indeed psychologically scary, especially if you are a woman.

Rickie (Shiloh Fernandez, Skateland) and JT (Noah Segan, Brick) are skipping school and what better place to do so? An abandoned hospital, of course! On their journey of destruction via boys-being-boys by ransacking the hospital for their amusement, they come across a barricaded door that has been rusted shut. They pry it open and with further snooping find something very surprising hidden in a corner of the room. A naked woman (Jenny Spain) tied to a bed and covered in plastic. The weird thing is is that she is still breathing. Seeing this as a very messed up situation, Rickie wants to get out of there and get the woman help. JT on the other hand, well, he has a completely different mindset. Instead of seeing a woman left for dead that needs help, all he sees is a piece of snatch that he can have for his taking anytime he wants. This pollutes his mind so much that when Rickie suggests getting her help, JT hits him with the vigor of, “How dare you try to take this away from me?!” Thus, the woman becomes a sex slave for JT, raped countless times over and over again and Rickie is confused on what he should do about it. Instead of going to the police and possibly suffering a trespassing ticket, Rickie instead tries to release her at one point, but once she has one free hand she maniacally grabs onto him. He manages to free himself just in time as JT and their other friend let in on the deal return to the room for some more romping. As much as JT and his other friend use the woman for their own pleasure it really troubled me that they never bathed her from the dirt and grime that was on her when she was found. From what we know from a rusted door, she has been down there a long time. Ew. They just use her like a toy, dirty and all. Nor do they use condoms. What?!

Another big crux in the story is that JT convinces Rickie to come back to see the woman shortly after their first encounter with her. Rickie has a gun on him. JT steals the gun and shoots the woman…and she is still alive. JT confesses that he has killed her three times already and she still lives. There is no explanation whatsoever. At one point JT stabs her in the head, with a big knife which proves the zombie theory wrong. JT admits he choked her to death and broke her neck when she tried biting him. It comes apparent throughout the movie that she doesn’t bite for hunger, she bites for survival. What we also learn is that she contaminates her victims with her saliva. As some big bully jocks get wind of the jewel, “a woman who is down for anything,” they go to embark on this journey. One jock was shying away, but knowing damn well what would happen Rickie taunts the jock into letting the woman give him a blow job. Yep, you can guess what happened because it did! She bites him! The next day, not only is the jock starting to smell of rotting meat (like the woman), his insides explode out of him and he is presumably still alive. That is all you hear about that.

All hell breaks loose, meaning the woman is freed, attacks, and as Rickie stands in her way by accident, you think, “Shit, it’s all over from here.” Somewhere inside her head she knows that he tried to help her numerous times and pushes him out of the way. She gets out, but not before taking something away from Rickie in the process. She is left to wander who knows where. I guess be aware of the naked chick running around in your neighborhood?